

Thanks for visiting. This page is sort of a "table of contents" to my various projects, with links to where they all can be located. Think of it as sort of a central hub to activity. I found that this would be the most convenient way to keep everything organized among my many projects that I've started and never finished. You will also find blog pages and links on here that lead to updates, both in my life and among my various projects. If you've been following one of these projects and were directed here, take a few minutes to look at some of the other things I'm working on--It might help explain what's taking so long on the update you're looking for.

Some of the below links might not make any sense to you. Other links might have no interest to you whatsoever. This may be because I plan to use this page as a means to find my projects quickly. (Odd as it may sound, I sometimes forget to check up on some of my projects--I'm looking your way, deviantART.) This page in itself might not receive many updates, but be assured that many of the following links will be. I say many, not all. Some projects are kind of in hiatus status for various reasons. If that is so, the reason will be stated.

(My 'In my honest opinion' is a lot more regular now--at least two postings a week currently. Check it out often)

Latest Updates:
VGRiffers Blog on 10/21/09
deviantART Page on 09/21/09

My latest project can be found at YouTube. I'm still trying to figure out exactly how I want to carry forth in this project, but currently, I'm doing an MST3K treatment to video games that, well, just deserve it. I also have some side projects listed, as explained below.

VGRiffers Blog - Updates concerning all things VGRiffers. (*Updates on this project can be found here)
VGRiffers YouTube Page - Where all of the hooplah can be found.
YTRiffers YouTube Page - My VGR sister project, making fun of non-Video Game related things.
RiffTrax - They don't make movies, they make fun of them. (Some friends of mine do submissions for this site with me--referred to as iRiffs. We use my VGRiffers page to host preview clips.)

I've been playing a number of instruments for years (in fact, long enough now to accurately say 'most of my life'). I take some time every now and then to write songs for online projects and/or competitions. I also write songs just for the fun of it. Though I go through droughts of creativity, I do have older projects still around. I'd like to fire some of them up again in the future, and trust me, if I do, you'll find them here.

PureVolume - My oldest page still around. I've been hosting my music on this page for almost 4 years now. Unfortunately, as a 'free' account, I can only have 4 songs up at a time, and only 3 seem to play without hassle. Still, I put my latest songs up on here, keeping one of my old 'goodies' just for antiquity. (*Updates on my music can be found on this page.) - Every February, music artists are faced with the challenge of writing 14 songs in 28 days. After one year, I half-won. I wrote 7 songs in 14 days, after which things came up and I couldn't finish. Currently, participants are involved in a similar project called 50/90. My profile for this current project is found at the link.
SongFight - A weekly battle-of-the-bands competition that I've been a part in (and lost horribly) about a dozen times. Here are my previous submissions.

Editorials, Etc.
Having gone to college for English purposes (not necessarily graduating, but still), I have an innate desire to write. Oftentimes, this involves voicing my thoughts by means of lyrics (see Music above), while at times, I try other forms of literary output. The links below are these enumerated thoughts.

In My Honest Opinion - What started originally as a weekly editorial for a friend's news website turned into a column of essays I did. Completely intending on continuing them in the future, I haven't really had a chance to do many more. Still, here's where you'll find what I have and where the new ones will be when they come into existence. - A one-hit project I did with three other writers. We did a story game round, the kind where everyone adds to the story in turn. It turned out really good. And it's pretty dang long--about 40-something pages typed. It's detective noir with a nice flair from different writers with different styles. You should read it. (It's finished, and there are no plans to do another right now)
Twitter - Follow me on Twitter. I actually do update this about once a day or so.

Sorta-Motivational Posters
Now these I haven't done in awhile, but there was a time where I regularly churned these out. Perhaps you've seen those Motivational Posters online that contain a word, such as 'Success', a pithy saying, and a picture that goes along with the sentiment. Well, for about 6 or 7 years now (probably longer), there's an online 'art' involving making fun of posters like those, often referred to as demotivational posters. I did a number of posters back in 2007 - 2008. I keep intending to get back into it, but right now, it's pretty furrow.

The Sorta-Motivational Poster Blog - My original project. Not updated in forever, but all of my projects are still on there. - A large forum of artists sharing their works. I have a page on there. (*Updates on this project can be found here)


Well, that does it for now. I'm sure I'll add a few other links on here as I remember things I've done online, but for the time being, this is about what my creative output online amounts to. Please feel free to send me any feedback you have to Thanks again.